From “I Was So Hopeful for You,” collected in the anthology What My Father and I Don’t Talk About, which will be published in May by Simon & Schuster. Before…
From a manuscript in progress. I used to think my grandmother peed pink. I would think it sitting on the toilet, hers, I was sure she had visited last. When…
Published in Issue 15 of Fonograf Editions. The baby’s blameless, I can’t argue with that. She hasn’t told a single lie in her life, let alone cheated, however inadvertently, on…
From Now, Now, Louison, a novel that will be published by Les Fugitives in the UK in September and by New Directions next March. Frémon is the president of Galerie…
I gave a talk on Virginia Woolf a few years ago. During the question-and-answer period that followed it, the subject that seemed to most interest a number of people was…