From a resignation email sent to NBC News in January by William M. Arkin, a national security reporter who had worked at the network off and on since 1999. January 4…
Rather than creating a more equal society, the internet has given rise to a new age of authoritarianism
In the uneasy months following 9/11, the Bush Administration provoked a minor controversy when it announced the name of a new office dedicated to protecting the United States from terrorism…
From the style guide of the Daily Stormer, a white supremacist news website. The guide, which was reportedly written by Andrew Anglin, the site’s founder and editor, was acquired in…
The first year of the Trump presidency is behind us. The unimaginable has become the historical. But time, the reputed healer of all wounds, has somehow only aggravated this one.…
Once, on a river-rafting trip through the Grand Canyon, I traveled with a charming, good-humored man who happened to run an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. He liked…