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Fresca and Brimstone

From a sermon given in July 2020 by the minister at Grace Community Church, a megachurch in Sun Valley, California. The church had a coronavirus outbreak in October. We are…

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The Vanishing

The plight of Christians in an age of intolerance

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Shaking with Fear

From a verbal report given by Harold Howard to Kurt Castaldo, a deputy in the sheriff’s office in Palm Beach County, Florida, in December 2015. Howard alleged that Yousef Muslet…

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The Priest in the Trees

Feral faith in the age of climate change

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What Recovery?

Two years in a town where the Great Recession never ended

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House of Fire

Can India’s Parsis survive their own success?

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Spirit Guide

From a list of Thai ghosts, compiled by Andrew Alan Johnson, an assistant professor at Yale-NUS College in Singapore and the author of Ghosts of the New City, published last…

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God Lives on Lemon Street

An ex–Jehovah’s Witness visits Watchtower headquarters

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Christopher Beha on Arts and Entertainments

Christopher Beha discusses sex tapes as literary vehicle, the celebrity impulse, and the problematic absence of religion in American literature

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