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Extremely Loud and Incredibly Gauche

From descriptions of trips hosted by Young Pioneer Tours, which offers vacations to “destinations your mother would rather you stay away from.” south sudan budget tour The most affordable tour…

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Thing of Ether

Chasing the aurora borealis

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Common Ground

Feet of clay: on the troublesome uses of archeology, past and present

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Common Ground

The politics of archaeology in Jerusalem

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My Holy Land Vacation

Touring Israel with 450 Christian Zionists

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Carnival in Jacmel

Despite lingering effects from a 2010 earthquake, Haiti still throws a good party

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Portrait of a Township

Former militants take on the post-apartheid struggle

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The Oa

On the pleasures and perils of whisky

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February 2014

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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