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United States Federal Bureau of Investigation

Crime and Punishment

Will the 9/11 case finally go to trial?

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Agent Provocateur

From an FBI manual suggesting conversational techniques to recruit informants. The document was published by The Intercept in January.

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And Red All Over

From the FBI file on Lloyd Louis Brown, who wrote the prison novel Iron City (1951), edited several Communist journals, and coauthored Paul Robeson’s autobiography, Here I Stand. The file…

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Black Hat, White Hat

By Masha Gessen, from The Brothers: The Road to an American Tragedy, out last month from Riverhead Books. Gessen is the author of several books, including The Man Without a…

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Willam T. Vollmann Was Suspected of Being the Unabomber

The author obtains his FBI file and discovers a case largely based on literary criticism

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