By Carolee Schneemann, in response to a letter she received from Mette Ingvartsen, a Danish choreographer, included in PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art, volume 36, number 1. Schneemann…
Titles of articles included in the first issue of BOSS: The Biannual Online-Journal of Springsteen Studies, published this August.
From a June 30, 1987, memo to President Ronald Reagan from Gary L. Bauer, Reagan’s chief domestic policy adviser. In July of 1987, Reagan appointed Frank Lilly, an openly gay…
From a list of items available for purchase by local police departments through Department of Homeland Security grants.
By Claudia Rankine, from Citizen: An American Lyric, published last month by Graywolf Press. Rankine is the author of several books of poems, including Plot, The End of the Alphabet,…
Though I have been hearing (or rather reading) it a lot lately in many venues, it was a little odd — even a bit unsettling — to read it in the New…
From the Indiegogo funding-campaign profile for AR Wear, described as “wearable protection for when things go wrong.” The company surpassed its $50,000 funding goal last year and is currently at…