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Our Idleness, Pride, and Folly



  1. An impost; a tribute imposed; an excise; a tallage.
  2. Charge; censure.


  1. To load with imposts.
  2. To charge; to censure; to accuse.

A Dictionary of the English Language, 1766, by Samuel Johnson


  1. To law, impose or assess upon citizens a certain sum of money or amount of property, to be paid to the public treasury, or to the treasury of a corporation or company, to defray the expenses of the government or corporation, &c.

We are more heavily taxed by our idleness, pride and folly, than we are taxed by government.

  1. To load with a burden or burdens.

  2. To assess, fix or determine judicially, as the amount of cost on actions in court; as, the court taxes bills of cost.

  3. To charge; to censure; to accuse; usually followed by with; as, to tax a man with pride. He was taxed with presumption.

The American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828, by Noah Webster

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