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August 2010 Issue [Readings]

Condemned to Delete It

From edits to history and social-studies curriculum guidelines proposed this year by Texas State Board of Education member Don McLeroy, who was defeated in the Republican primary in March. Jean Pierre Godet is a fictional character in a book by “Painter of Light” Thomas Kinkade.

Identify the causes of World War I and reasons for U.S. entry, including propaganda (information put out by an organization or government to promote a policy, idea, or cause) Wilson’s Committee on Public Education and unrestricted submarine warfare.

Describe how the extent and danger of Soviet agent infiltration of the U.S. government as revealed in Alger Hiss’s guilt and confirmed later by the Venona Papers, McCarthyism and the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), the arms race, and the space race increased affected/reflected Cold War tensions.

Evaluate efforts by globalist organizations to usurp the U.S. Constitution transitioning from U.S. sovereignty to global governance and its accompanying threats to individual freedom and liberty, including the International Criminal Court, the U.N. Gun Ban proposal, forced redistribution of American wealth to Third World countries, and environmental initiatives.

Discuss alternatives regarding long-term entitlements such as Social Security and Medicare, given the decreasing worker-to-retiree ratio.

Evaluate changes in the United States that have resulted from the civil rights movement, including increased participation of minorities in the political process and unrealistic expectations for equal outcomes.

Evaluate the impact Contrast the tone of muckrakers and reform leaders such as Upton Sinclair, Susan B. Anthony, Ida B. Wells, and W.E.B. Du Bois on American society versus the optimism of immigrants including Jean Pierre Godet as told in Thomas Kinkade’s The Spirit of America.

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August 2010

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