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From hundreds of letters sent to Casey Anthony, a twenty-four-year-old Florida woman arrested in 2008 on charges of murdering her two-year-old daughter, Caylee. Florida’s state attorney’s office, which released the letters in June, has said that it will seek the death penalty in Anthony’s trial, scheduled for next year.

My name is Leon. I’m doing a twenty-year bit for involuntary manslaughter, tampering with evidence, abduction, and abuse of a corpse. It sounds worse than what it really is.

I’m Bill. I’m a member of the Illiana Paranormal Society. We are ghost hunters, and I’m an investigator. Well, I will tell you more later. I first want to know if you want a new friend.

I don’t know if you know any Natives, but if you don’t I would be honored to be your first Native American friend! I’ve been to Miami a lot of times to the Seminole reservation. I believe it’s called Hollywood. The place where Anna Nicole Smith died.

I can understand what you are going through. My brother died when he was twenty-four, and things were kind of suspicious. Then my father wouldn’t even give me any of my brother’s ashes. But the point is I feel for you.

I wish the media would quit being so mean to you. I heard where you collected skull drawings, and the media is like, she is evil. This is sad because thousands of people like skulls. It does not mean something is wrong with them.

I’m homeless in Florida. I take a dog (Doberman) and panhandle to make you money. Probably me and the dog will go to Orlando next month and hold a sign for you. Probably saying, casey did not kill her daughter. This will be dangerous. Have to have the dog with me.

My name is Sara. I’m a twenty-four-year-old mother of two beautiful children. I was working for the Postal Service for four years but recently got laid off due to the economy taking a crap. I am engaged, have been since ’05. I kept setting the date and then not following through because of my old work schedule. Now I guess I have the time. Ha-ha.

I am sure you get a lot of mail from many diffrent types of people. I am deffnantly diffrent. I am 31 years old. I have 3 children, 2 alive and one past. My oldest past away 12 years ago. I am still not over it. She died of crib death at the age 3 months. Unfortionantly I never finished high school. I can not spell very well. So please bear with me. My heart gose out to you. Not only as a greaving mother. As somebody who has been fucked by the Florida cops.

I wanted to write and tell you, you did great in court. You held your head up and smiled. What do you use on your hair to make it so shiny? It’s beautiful. Mine looks like shit.

I’d like to ask you a general question. I’m kind of quiet and reserved, but I’d like to become more outgoing, and I’ve noticed as your case is going on that you’re pretty outgoing and liked to go out and have fun at parties and stuff. I know most people say that wasn’t a good lifestyle, but I’d like to become more like that in general.

Hey! I am writing you a letter because I figured being in a cell twenty hours a day is probably the loneliest thing ever. People are sayin’ it’s stupid to write ’cause you seem like a full-of-yourself bitch and won’t reply. I hope they are wrong.

How have you been? I’m sorry it’s been a while. I have been very busy looking for a job, fighting to keep my marriage, and struggling to pay bills. I feel so bad always talking about myself, but you don’t write back, so I’m unsure what you’d like to talk about. Well, just wanted you to know I haven’t forgotten you.

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October 2010

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