From a list of reasons books should be removed from public schools, as updated in December by Bruce Friedman, who leads the Florida chapter of No Left Turn in Education.…
From the minutes of a meeting of the Boca Raton Planning and Zoning Board held on March 2. ashley cream: Good evening. I am here as a concerned citizen and…
From a verbal report given by Harold Howard to Kurt Castaldo, a deputy in the sheriff’s office in Palm Beach County, Florida, in December 2015. Howard alleged that Yousef Muslet…
From the November 2014 Supreme Court oral argument in Yates v. United States. In 2007, a Florida Fish and Wildlife officer found seventy-two undersize red grouper on John L. Yates’s…
The jellyfish life cycle, we were taught in school, involves a sessile state and a period of radiant flight. As polyps, jellyfish are rooted to the seafloor by fleshy stalks.…