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July 2017 Issue [Essay]

The Reichstag Fire Next Time

The coming crackdown

When each day brings more news than we are used to seeing in a week, and the kind of news that only the most catastrophic imagination can accommodate, we find ourselves talking about the Reichstag fire. Time feels both accelerated and slowed down, and so we imagine that we have been talking about the fire for years. It is the new president’s new clothes: invisible, yet always present in our perception of him.

The Reichstag fire, it goes almost without saying, will be a terrorist attack, and it will mark our sudden, obvious, and irreversible descent into autocracy. Here…

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is the author of The Future Is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia (Riverhead), which will be published in October. Her most recent article for Harper’s Magazine, “Family Values,” appeared in the March 2017 issue.

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