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June 2021 Issue [Report]

Stages of Grief

What the pandemic has done to the arts
Illustrations by Diana Ejaita

Illustrations by Diana Ejaita


Stages of Grief

What the pandemic has done to the arts

It doesn’t take a Leonardo-level intellect to figure out that the pandemic has been devastating for the arts economy. Live events were the first things to stop, and they will be the last to return. That means musicians, actors, and dancers, plus all the people who enable them to take the stage—playwrights and choreographers, directors and conductors, lighting designers and makeup artists, roadies, ushers, ticket takers, theater managers—have no way to make a living from their work, and haven’t for more than a year.

Still, I don’t think most of us appreciate just how bad things are. The crisis…

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 is the author of The Death of the Artist. His most recent article for Harper’s Magazine, “Ready for Prime Time,” appeared in the November 2016 issue.

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June 2021

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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