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January 2024 Issue [Letter from Russia]

Behind the New Iron Curtain

Caviar, counterculture, and the cult of Stalin reborn

The east bank of the Volga River. All photographs from Russia by Alessandro Cosmelli, July 2023 © The artist

[Letter from Russia]

Behind the New Iron Curtain

Caviar, counterculture, and the cult of Stalin reborn

This article was supported by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.

Russia has become, to observers in the West, a distant, mysterious, and hostile land once again. It seems implausible, in the age of social media, that so little should be known about the country that has shattered the international order, but the shadows surrounding Russia have only grown since the days of the Soviet Union. Of course, it is one thing to observe the country from the outside; it is another to try to understand how Russians experience the war and react to sanctions from within, and what…

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 is a writer and editor based in Milan. His work on this article, along with the photography by Alessandro Cosmelli, was supported by the Pulitzer Center.


 translated from the Italian.

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January 2024

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