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Talking with Tom Bissell

Tom Bissell is the author, most recently, of Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter, just out from Pantheon. His most recent article for Harper’s Magazine, “Cinema Crudité: The Mysterious Appeal…

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Jimmy Breslin on the National Mood

Noted author and journalist Jimmy Breslin’s most recent book is The Good Rat: A True Story, published by Ecco. There are these sudden loud noises in the hotel kitchen, one,…

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Today: Jeff Sharlet on Fresh Air

Jeff Sharlet appears on NPR’s Fresh Air today to discuss his new article in the September Harper’s Magazine, “Straight Man’s Burden: The American roots of Uganda’s anti-gay persecutions.” Subscribers can…

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SCAD Illustrates the Harper’s Archives

In the spring of 2010, Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) Illustration Department graduate students collaborated with Harper’s Magazine art director Stacey D. Clarkson on a project for which…

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Reminder: Tonight in New York City: Death—a Harper’s Magazine reading

Our readers in New York City are cordially invited to attend a new installment in the Harper’s Magazine reading series, focused, in celebration of Spring, upon the theme of Death.…

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Reminder: This Thursday Evening in New York City: Death—a Harper’s Magazine reading

Our readers in New York City are cordially invited to attend a new installment in the Harper’s Magazine reading series, focused, in celebration of Spring, upon the theme of Death.…

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This Thursday Evening in New York City: Death—a Harper’s Magazine reading

Our readers in New York City are cordially invited to attend a new installment in the Harper’s Magazine reading series, focused, in celebration of Spring, upon the theme of Death.…

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April 2009: Bryant Urstadt on the Minerals Management Service

On Friday, the New York Times reported that the federal Minerals Management Service (MMS) repeatedly violated environmental requirements when approving oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, ignoring and overruling… 

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FOR WHOM THE CELL TOLLS: Why your phone may (or may not) be killing you

“Everything emits invisible waves, which kill you” could be an update to the old aphorism “everything kills you.” Nathaniel Rich’s article in the current issue of Harper’s Magazine investigates cell-phone… 

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Love: A Rebuke, A Valentine’s Day Reading (February 10)

Featuring Colson Whitehead, Heidi Julavits, and Sam Lipsyte. To coincide with St. Valentine’s Day, Harper’s Magazine presents “Love: A Rebuke,” a reading featuring selections from the magazine and new work…

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TO: Major Shawn Turner, FROM: Luke Mitchell, DATE: January 26, 2010 SUBJECT: Office of the Secretary of Defense claims regarding “The Guantánamo ‘Suicides'” Dear Shawn – Your response… 

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TO: Jack Shafer, FROM: Luke Mitchell, DATE: January 29, 2010 SUBJECT: Suicide or Murder at Guantánamo? The shortcomings of a Harper’s Magazine “exposé” Dear Jack, I just read…

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Because of an editing error, “The Less You Know” [Readings, June], an abridged transcript of a December 19, 2005, telephone conversation between Bernard Madoff and executives of the Fairfield Greenwich… 

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“The Crisis in American Medicine” Redux

In his speech before the American Medical Association on June 15, 2009, Barack Obama noted that there is nothing new about the challenges facing would-be health-care reformers: The other day,…

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Harper’s Magazine Scholarship in Memory of I.F. Stone Awarded

This year’s Harper’s Magazine Scholarship in Memory of I.F. Stone was awarded to Jonathan Jones, a post-graduate fellow of the Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. Endowed by Harper’s Publisher John…

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To: Harper’s Magazine From: Dr. John C. Eastman, Dean and Donald P. Kennedy Chair in Law, Chapman University School of Law Subject: “John Yoo Hearts Orange County,” by Scott Horton…

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Harper’s Index Turns 25: Now free for searching and browsing

“Numbers can be made to tell as many stories as a crooked lawyer or an old comedian.” — Lewis H. Lapham, Harper’s Magazine National Correspondent and creator of the Index…

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Žižek on Chomsky: Black, white, and red all over

The German culture magazine Lettre International, true to its name, publishes writing from around the world. Their Winter 2008 issue includes translations into German from Swedish, Italian, Hungarian, French, Spanish,… 

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From: Jim Grobe Subject: “What Motivates the Torture Enablers?,” by Scott Horton, December 20, 2008 What got me, as a 30 year veteran of the US Navy, was when Rivkin…

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Talking with Suki Kim

Suki Kim’s article “A Really Big Show: The New York Philharmonic’s fantasia in North Korea” appears in the December Harper’s Magazine. Kim is the author of the novel The Interpreter… 

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After Torture: A Forum on justice in the post-Bush era (December 4)

Harper’s Magazine & The Center on Law and Security at NYU School of Law invite you to: After Torture: A Harper’s Magazine Forum on justice in the post-Bush era Thursday,… 

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John Leonard

Our friend John Leonard died yesterday. John’s first piece for Harper’s Magazine, a review of Renata Adler’s Speedboat and Lovers and Tyrants by Francine du Plessix Gray, appeared in November… 

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Poetry Bailout Will Restore Confidence of Readers

From a statement read at an event marking the release of Best American Poetry 2008, held last night at The New School, in New York City. David Lehman is the…

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Talking with George Michelsen Foy, author of “Bollywood Shuffle”

George Michelsen Foy’s article “Bollywood Shuffle” appears in the October Harper’s Magazine. Associate Editor Benjamin Austen catches up with Foy now that the issue is on newsstands. 1. “Bollywood Shuffle”… 

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The Sweet Smell of Success: Coiffed and cutthroat, Sarah Palin gives us the story we’ve been looking for

Gemma Sieff is an assistant editor of Harper’s Magazine. The Republicans have succeeded in pitting VP against P, inverting their ticket to leave McCain, with his cadaverously stiff bearing, and…

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Talking with Jeremy Miller, Author of “Tyranny of the Test”

Jeremy Miller is the author of “Tyranny of the Test,” the September cover story. The article, which explains how No Child Left Behind has changed the structure of our schools–and… 

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Free Speech Zone

I was making my way onto the convention grounds late Wednesday afternoon when I saw an unusually large congregation of black-clad riot police. I noticed as well that a technician… 

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No more than a few hundred Hillary marchers were winding their way toward the Pepsi Center Tuesday morning, a few hours before their champion would sweep to the podium. Having…

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