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Washington Babylon

Obama Mulling Radical Tax Plan

From Andy Borowitz: President Barack Obama is mulling a controversial new tax program that would require members of his Cabinet to pay taxes owed under the Federal tax code, the…

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Daschle’s Pontiac: When Tom was a penny pincher

Check out this old Tom Daschle campaign spot (via Haunting.

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Daschle Watch

The news just keeps getting worse for poor Tom Daschle: Tom Daschle backed the patron who paid him a million-dollar salary and supplied him with a free car and driver…

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How Tom Daschle Scrambles to Make Ends Meet

From Emily Yoffe in the Washington Post. Like many Americans whose steady, reliable job has suddenly disappeared, Thomas Daschle cobbled together a bunch of gigs when he was laid off…

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DeLayed Reaction: House majority whip’s foundation has that old-time aroma

Think back to the terrible old days when the Republicans ran congress, and how companies seeking to win access and favor with the GOP would make “contributions” to the DeLay…

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That Was Fast: Obama staffer lands on his feet in private sector

Jeff Berman, the national delegate director for the Obama presidential campaign, has a new job: The international law firm Bryan Cave LLP ( announced today that Jeff Berman has joined…

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A Positive Spin on Tom Daschle: “The second-biggest whore for the health care industry in American politics”

Glenn Greenwald tells you everything you need to know about Tom Daschle: He embodies everything that is sleazy, sickly, and soul-less about Washington. It’s probably impossible for Obama to fill…

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Bush’s Plutocrat Assistance Program

From Bloomberg, via Laura Rozen: The average tax rate paid by the richest 400 Americans fell by a third to 17.2 percent through the first six years of the Bush…

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Tom Daschle: Secretary of Health and Public Speaking Fees

From the Associated Press: Tom Daschle collected nearly a quarter of a million dollars in fees in the last two years speaking to leaders of the industry President Barack Obama…

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Six Questions for Deborah Nelson on Vietnam War Crimes, and Why They Matter Now

Deborah Nelson is the Carnegie Visiting Professor at the Philip Merrill College of Journalism, University of Maryland at College Park. She is the author of the new book, The War…

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Joe Lieberman, Stand-up Comic: So did you hear the one about waterboarding?

Once inside the banquet hall, which is always off-limits to the media, the Alfalfans took turns trying to crack each other up. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) — the club’s…

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Tom Daschle and the Old Boys’ Club

The Senate: shameless and clueless. From the Washington Post: Early reactions from the Senate have shown little need for much of a fight. No Senate Republican has stepped forward to…

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Slumdog Millionaires?

From the Washington Post: “Slumdog Millionaire” — or “Slumdog Crorepati,” as the Hindi-language version is known — received 10 Oscar nominations and has become the modern-day fairy tale of the…

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One Administration, Two Tax Cheats

First Timothy Geithner and his lame excuses, now this: Thomas A. Daschle, nominated to be secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, did not pay more than $128,000…

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A Trip Down Memory Lane With Michael Steele

Michael Steele, yesterday after winning the post of RNC chairman: “We have an image problem,” Steele said. “We’ve been misidentified as party that is insensitive, a party unconcerned about the…

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The Pentagon’s Iraq Expert

Turns out that Laurie Mylroie, dubbed “The Neocons’ favorite conspiracy theorist” by Peter Bergen, was working at the Pentagon not so long ago. Justin Elliott of TPM Muckraker reports: It’s…

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Wall Street Tanked but Bonuses Thrived

From the New York Times: By almost any measure, 2008 was a complete disaster for Wall Street — except, that is, when the bonuses arrived. Despite crippling losses, multibillion-dollar bailouts…

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Voter Fraud Fraud

Remember last fall when Republicans claimed that they had discovered hundreds of cases of voter fraud in Ohio? A special prosecutor was even appointed to investigate. He has reported his…

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Not Just Republicans Questioning Stimulus Package

From the Washington Post: Republican criticism of the stimulus package that the House will vote on tonight has focused on its soaring price tag, but some Democrats on Capitol Hill…

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Early Test For Obama on Corporate Mergers

Terrific column in today’s Washington Post from Steven Pearlstein: Three things are indisputably true about the pharmaceutical industry: Over the past decade, there has been significant cross-border consolidation, involving major…

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Goldman Sachs Lobbyist Heads for Job at Treasury

From ABC News: Despite President Barack Obama’s pledge to limit the influence of lobbyists in his administration, a recent lobbyist for investment banking giant Goldman Sachs is in line to…

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GOP Marketing Makeover Hits Snag: How do you rebrand stupid?

“Let’s just say that, that, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of 9/11, is brought to the United States to be tried in a federal court in the United States, under…

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Fuld’s Gold: Lehman Brothers CEO sells mansion for a tenner

From the New York Times: Housing prices are falling around the country, but this one sounds hard to believe: A seaside mansion on Jupiter Island in Florida, bought for more…

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Bundling The Administration

I generally don’t trust my own reaction to political developments because my own views are too eclectic and non-representative to serve as any type of political weather vane. But I…

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Another Bailout for Big Banks?

The Institutional Risk Analyst looks at the “political battle building for the mind of Barack Obama on how to resolve, or not, the largest, most profoundly troubled US banks.” The…

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Big Game Hunting with John Murtha

Check out this story on last week’s raid on properties owned by businessmen close to Congressman John Murtha: The Tribune-Democrat has learned that federal raids on the businesses and homes…

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Non-Senator Coleman Still Hustling For Political Dollars

Norm Coleman of Minnesota is no longer a senator (at least for the time being) and he’s taken a job as a consultant with the Republican Jewish Coalition. But he’s…

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Dictator Suck-Up Watch

From Marc Lynch: On his first day in office, Barack Obama placed calls to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Jordan’s King Abdullah, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Excellent! What a perfect…

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