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Washington Babylon

Obama’s Promises: Seven down, about five hundred to go

For those keeping track of how Obama fulfills his campaign promises, the St. Petersburg Times offers a handy interactive guide. He’s off to a relatively good start, but there’s a…

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More on the Murtha-related Raid

The CEO of Kuchera Industries and Kuchera Defense Systems, the two firms raided by the feds yesterday, was the director of a non-profit group that the Washington Post described in…

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Feds Raid Offices of Firm Tied to Murtha

Congressman John Murtha’s relationship with his campaign donors is a topic I’ve written about frequently in the past. Today the FBI raided the offices of one of those donors: Federal…

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Clinton Foundation Donors and Hillary’s Confirmation

The Senate seems likely to confirm Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State soon, but there’s still a hang-up over contributions to her husband’s foundation. I’ve been trying to get answers…

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Obama Kitsch

Seth Hettena writes: How can you discuss Obama tackiness without mentioning this. Good point!…

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The Obama Doctrine?

Barack Obama’s inauguration speech had some nice moments. I especially liked the section near the end where he said: In the year of America’s birth, in the coldest of months,…

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The Road to Hell Is Paved with Stupid Celebrity Pledges

Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher and other stars make their pledges to Barack Obama. Low point, among many: Jason Bateman promises to flush “only after a deuce, never a single.” Is…

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Lobbying The Inauguration

From the Washington Independent: In November, Obama announced that his presidential inauguration committee would not accept donations from corporations, lobbyists, political action committees, or unions. The move appeared to set…

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Obama: Inspiring Tackiness

Inauguration fever is cresting with the inevitable flood of Obama merchandise. Here are three candidates for the worst of the lot: In the “cute and cloying” category, there’s the “Obama,…

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Obama’s Middle East Dealmaker

Dennis Ross, Barack Obama’s proposed new Middle East guru/envoy, has gotten generally fawning coverage from the press. In Newsweek,, Michael Hersh wrote: “One man who will probably be running ahead…

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Civil Rights, Coffee and Race

Talkingpointsmemo notes a footnote to the new Inspector General’s report on the politicization of the Civil Rights Division at DOJ: In that incident in August 2004, Voting Section Chief John…

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The Way Florida Works

Congressman Kendrick Meek of Florida has announced that he will run for the U.S. Senate. Which may require that he answer some questions about this story from 2007: Boston developer…

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“I Should Have Wikipedia-ed Neville Chamberlain”: A pundit’s lament

The Daily Show takes us on a tour of pundit boot camp. Attack, you maggots!…

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Note To Retirees: If Bush Social Security plan had passed, you’d really be screwed

From the Washington Post: If your year-end 401(k) statement made you ill, I have one consolation for you: It could be worse. How’s that possible, given how horrible last year…

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Israeli War Correspondents

From Philip Weiss: The New Republic seems to depend on former IDF soldiers for more of its Israel coverage than just about anyone else. Benny Morris, Jeffrey Goldberg. And here…

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Bush Justice Department: It has a dream

Time is running out on the Bush administration but the Justice Department’s civil rights division is fighting to its last breath — to defend the rights of white people.

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And If That Last Item On The Economy Wasn’t Depressing Enough

From Eric Janszen: Economic data coming out this week reveal an economy in free-fall. The Stats Every single working day in the month of December 2008: 190 U.S. companies filed…

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How Bad Is The Economy?

From John Judis: Does Barack Obama understand the seriousness of the economic crisis? Yesterday, he laid out his economic agenda, and it was filled with all sorts of important exhortations…

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Scenes From Gaza

From the New York Times: The International Committee of the Red Cross said Thursday it had discovered “shocking” scenes — including small children next to their mothers’ corpses — when…

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Regime Change or Assassination? The media mulls foreign policy options in Zimbabwe

I’ve mentioned here on previous occasions how the American media covers foreign news through the prism of United States foreign policy. If the U.S. government deems a country to be…

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Rules of Etiquette From the New Surgeon General: How to order tiger penis

Classic investigative reporting from Stephen Colbert, who takes us behind the scenes at CNN’s special report, “Penis in Peril.” Colbert also explains how Sanjay Gupta threatens America’s traditional food pyramid.

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Dennis Ross: Could he be a three-time loser?

From Augustus Richard Norton: Reportedly, two-time loser to be given a third chance to fail by Obama: Dennis Ross who was a dead-hand on the wheel as peacemaker in the…

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Jeffrey Goldberg on Palestinian “Moral Failings”

Stunning remarks from the man who helped sell the Iraq War. Jonathan Schwarz tells the story.

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Washington Post Takes Critical Look at Obama’s SEC Pick

When Barack Obama picked Mary Schapiro as head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, her nomination was almost universally hailed in the press. Schapiro, it was said, was just the…

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Department of Bad Ideas

From Taxpayers for Common Sense: Of all the industries in line for a handout in this financially frightening time, the defense industry would seem to bring up the rear. After…

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Pay-to-Play at UNESCO

Is there a slimier United Nations department then UNESCO? In 2006, UNESCO awarded Uzbek dictator Islam Karimov with a medal for preserving Uzbekistan’s cultural heritage. Human Rights Watch said that…

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The Latest Obamamaniac: Commentary Magazine

From Commentary: So let’s get this straight: Robert Gates will be the Defense Secretary, we’re ramping up U.S. forces in Afghanistan and providing a reasonable period of time for a…

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Bret Baier: Why he sucks

Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post had a fawning story today about Bret Baier, who has just replaced Britt Hume as the head of Fox’s Washington newscast. “Hume was a…

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