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Washington Babylon

Ukrainian Press Calls Conference Attended by Karl Rove “Nauseating”

As I noted earlier today, Karl Rove can’t be bothered to honor a congressional subpoena, but he’s got time to fly off to Yalta to appear at a panel sponsored…

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Sweet Dreams: Official Predicts “Chaos” and “Panic” if Washington, D.C., Attacked

From Jeff Stein at CQ: Darrell Darnell, director of the District of Columbia’s Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, says there would be “a lot of panic, a lot of…

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Rove, Yalta, and Contempt of Congress

Karl Rove does not have the time or inclination to testify before Congress but he did manage to fly off to the Ukraine last week to appear as a panelist…

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Wolcott: “The raven caw of Laura Ingraham’s voice”

From James Wolcott at Vanity Fair: The raven caw of Laura Ingraham’s voice on the radio has never been one of nature’s nobler mating calls, and her on-air personality has…

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Russian and Serb Interests Paid for Congressman Weldon’s Family Vacation to Europe

Back in January of 2007, the House Ethics Committee (“Press 1 if you are a member of Congress covering up a criminal offense. Press 2 if…”) released a statement saying…

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Charges Against Two SIGIR Employees Dropped

More than a year ago I reported on an ongoing investigation into two top employees at the U.S. Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR), Stuart Bowen Jr. and Ginger…

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The Daily Show on the New Yorker Cover

Brilliant dissection of the media reaction to the New Yorker cover: Via Charles Kaiser at Radar. Yes, out of context, Wolf Blitzer just might be a Hitler-lover.

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Video from Guantánamo: Interrogation of Canadian teenager

From The Guardian: The first footage showing an interrogation at Guantánamo Bay was released today by the lawyers of Omar Khadr, a Canadian teenager detained by US forces. The video…

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Where is the Curt Weldon Investigation Heading?

Plea deal with lobbyist friend likely imminent… The federal investigation into former Congressman Curt Weldon has been going on for nearly two years now. The original investigation stemmed from an…

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That New Yorker Cover

Many readers disliked yesterday’s item “,” about the hysteria over The New Yorker‘s cover illustration on Barack and Michelle Obama. Indeed, the item generated more negative mail than an earlier…

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Lobbyist-arranged Op-eds?

Following up on that Sunday Times of London story about its sting on lobbyist Stephen Payne, regarding the former administration official caught seeking to sell access to the White House,…

Read more It’s true, liberals really have no sense of humor

Right-wingers like to paint liberals as a bunch of humorless, whining ninnies, and the hysterical reaction to the New Yorker‘s cover on Barack Obama proves there is more than a…

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Worldwide Strategic Shakedown Partners

Make sure to read through all of the documents posted by the Sunday Times relating to the journalism sting it pulled on lobbyist Stephen Payne, which I linked to yesterday.…

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The Professor of Repression and China

Two years ago, I wrote a story about Professor S. Frederick Starr of Johns Hopkins University’s Central Asia Caucasus Institute and his indecently close ties to dictators in that region.…

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Six Questions for Arvind Ganesan on the Beijing Olympics, the Media and Human Rights

Arvind Ganesan has been at Human Rights Watch as the Director of the Business and Human Rights Program and is involved in research, advocacy, and policy development. His program has…

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Sunday Times Video Catches Lobbyist Selling White House Access

The Sunday Times carried out an undercover sting, in which lobbyist and former Bush administration official Stephen Payne thought he was meeting “Eric Dos,” a man seeking to arrange meetings…

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Obama’s Reaganesque Foreign Policy?

From Eli Lake: Of course, the Obama counterterrorism policy is still a work in progress. As his recent zigzags illustrate, he still hasn’t figured out his stance on some of…

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The Manchurian Men’s Convention

From Jeff Stein at CQ: My friend said his patients described training with drugs and other mind-control techniques to perform the mission — then forget them, like the Manchurian Candidate.…

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Zzzzzzzz: Get Ready for CNN’s Exciting Convention Coverage

From Lisa de Moraes of The Washington Post: Blitzer stays up nights wondering whether Clinton will be introduced by her daughter, Chelsea, and when, if at all, her husband, former…

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Iran’s Culpability Conclusively Established: Country Guilty of Bad Photoshopping

From the New York Times: As news spread across the world of Iran’s provocative missile tests, so did an image of four missiles heading skyward in unison. Unfortunately, it appeared…

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Is Fareed Zakaria the $75,000 Man?

Soon after posting my recent articles about the large speaking fees commanded by top journalists and pundits, I was contacted by someone who had once hoped to book Newsweek’s Fareed…

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And the Nobel Prize for Best Swiss Bank Accounts Goes To…

From ABC News: “Two U.S. lawmakers are pushing for a Nobel Peace Prize to go to a politician accused of taking bribes, abusing human rights, and profiting from widespread and…

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Congress and Soils Professionals: A Very Dirty Relationship

Taxpayers for Common Sense has released a list of the “Top 10 Congressional Resolutions of the 110th Congress.” These include: —A resolution recognizing soil as an essential natural resource, and…

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Oregon Fraudster Backing McCain

From Willamette Week: Former Oregon Republican Party chairman and one-time gubernatorial candidate Craig Berkman owes millions to some of Portland’s wealthiest investors—but that hasn’t stopped him from making generous political…

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Uzbek Dictator’s Daughter: Harvard grad’s “wishes are orders”

Northern Italy’s leading daily, La Stampa of Turin, reports on the “Unavoidable Rise of the Beautiful Gulnara,” on Gulnara Karimova, the daughter of Uzbekistan’s autocrat-for-life Islam Karimov. When daddy rules…

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Laurie Coleman’s “Blo & Go”: The “whole key is suction”

The Washington Post reports that Laurie Coleman, wife of Republican Senator Norm Coleman, has invented a tool for hands-free hair drying called the “Blo & Go.”: Against the backdrop of…

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Senator Cornyn’s Friend at the Scooter Store

A reader notes: It’s really convenient to have a Leadership PAC when the CEO of a company that’s recently reached a $4 million dollar settlement with the Justice Department for…

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Thomas Powers on the Iran Threat

Good piece from the New York Review of Books: At a moment of serious challenge, battered by two wars, ballooning debt, and a faltering economy, the United States appears to…

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