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Washington Babylon

Convicted Scammer is Donor to Clinton Campaign

I know Hillary Clinton is hard up for dough, but should her campaign really have taken money from a suspected (and subsequently convicted) kickback conspirator? In June of 2007, attorney…

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Major G.O.P. and Democratic Donor Questioned in Israeli Corruption Probe

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports that Sheldon Adlelson, a major donor to the G.O.P., has been questioned by police as part of a corruption probe. S. Daniel Abraham of Slim-Fast,…

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Tip to McCain: To promote reform, bag your national finance co-chair

The Washington Post reports today that Barack Obama and John McCain are both working to freeze out “527” groups—named after a provision in the tax code—which are not allowed to…

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Obama, Hamas, and “Nuance”

Barack Obama recently severed all links with Robert Malley, an informal Middle East policy adviser, after the latter “confessed” that he had met with the Palestinian group Hamas. And in…

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Exclusive Video: Hillary in the Führerbunker

Well, I may be soft on Hillary, but this is very funny. (Not safe for work or for the easily offended.)…

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McCain’s Burma Connection

Doug Goodyear, who had been picked by John McCain’s campaign to run the G.O.P. convention this summer, resigned over the weekend after Newsweek reported that a lobbying firm he heads…

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More on Hillary the Bloodthirsty Monster

A number of readers emailed about yesterday’s post on why, for reasons I myself find baffling, I’ve started feeling sympathetic toward Hillary Clinton. None of the emails were friendly, but…

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Why I Like Hillary: She’s a bloodthirsty monster

I’ve received quite a few complaints in recent months from readers who think I’m pro–Hillary Clinton and anti–Barack Obama. In fact, I believe Obama has better politics than Clinton, is…

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Kurt Andersen and the Media’s Obama Crush

The most honest and insightful piece yet on the media’s love affair with Obama: But of course, I don’t know many of those fierce Clinton supporters, because most of my…

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Africa’s Worst Dictator: No, it’s not Mugabe

The situation in Zimbabwe is an outrage and I can understand why the Bush administration, and the entire Western world, is appalled by President Robert Mugabe’s anti-democratic depredations. As has…

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San Diego G.O.P. Headed by Co-founder of Piracy Group

From Raw Story: Any job applicant knows that background checks are routine – especially for jobs involving authority or oversight of money. So why didn’t the San Diego Republican Party…

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Hillary Shoots From the Left, Hits Foot

From Politico: Sen. Hillary Clinton’s mailing attacking Sen. Barack Obama’s record on guns appears to include a striking visual gaffe: The image of the gun pictured on the face of…

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Palestinians Responsible for Israeli Killing of Palestinians: Post Op-Ed columnist hits new low

It’s always a mistake to read the Washington Post’s Jackson Diehl during breakfast (or at all for that matter), but his column today was particularly gag-inducing: Last Tuesday, Israel faced…

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Heckuva Job, Palfrey Prosecutors

So, the trial of Deborah Palfrey ends with her apparent suicide, the public outing and humiliation of a number of the women who worked for her, and her company’s list…

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Goldberg’s Online Mugging

From Gawker: When the New York Observer’s media blogger Matt Haber (the forgotten Gawker Alum!) devoted a post yesterday to basically announcing the existence of Goldberg’s blog and needling Goldberg…

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Bolton and “Conservatism”

I mentioned the other day that I was taking part in a debate/conversation at TPM Book Club about Peter Scoblic’s new book, “U.S. Versus Them: How a Half-Century of Conservatism…

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North Carolina “Robo-callers” Exposed

From Facing South: Who’s behind the mysterious “robo-calls” that have spread misleading voter information and sown confusion and frustration among North Carolina residents over the last week? Facing South has…

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Journalism Ethics Lessons from the Iraqi War’s Chief Salesman

In his new blog, Jeffrey Goldberg complains that he recently was insulted by Matt Haber of the New York Observer. Haber cited an old item I wrote which said that…

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Obama Roundup: Reverend Wright and Robert Blackwell

I don’t have a lot to add to the uproar over Barack Obama and his former pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, other than to state that it’s clearly going to hurt…

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Book Debate at TPM Cafe

Peter Scoblic, executive editor of the New Republic, has written a provocative new book called “U.S. Versus Them: How a Half-Century of Conservatism Has Undermined America’s Security.” It’s the topic…

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Six Questions for Patricia Gossman on Afghanistan

Patricia Gossman is an independent consultant on human rights and rule of law issues in South Asia, Afghanistan in particular. She is currently a grantee of the United States Institute…

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Headline of the Week

From Thursday’s Politico, print version: “Pelosi Wants Stimulus Before Trade.” Still not as good as TPM Muckraker’s headline back in 2006 after then-House Speaker Denny Hastert voiced support for an…

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Hold the Presses! Journalist Challenges Karl Rove for Lying

I missed this when I was traveling, but two weeks back The Week magazine invited journalists, think-tankers and politicos to a Georgetown hotel to hand out its Opinion Awards. For…

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Obama to Azeri Dictator: Set Our Big Macs Free

A reader recently called to my attention to a 2005 Chicago Tribune story detailing a trip to Eastern Europe that Obama took early in his Senate career. At the time,…

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The “Stupidest Guy on the Face of the Earth” Points Fingers

General Tommy Franks was complaining about his job one day, and said: “I have to deal with the fucking stupidest guy on the face of the earth almost every day.”…

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Ethics Reform Marches On

Remember all those how important political reforms Congress passed after the Democrats took over? Like the new rules meant to stamp out the influence of lobbyists and special interest groups…

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Campaign ’08 and Howard Dean’s Tears

There are a lot of people who still think that presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama essentially can’t lose the November presidential election (or, more to the point, that John McCain…

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The Pentagon and the Weekly Standard: Cutting Out the Middleman

I was on NPR’s Talk of the Nation yesterday to discuss the recent New York Times story about the Pentagon’s use of retired military officials “to generate favorable news coverage…

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