From messages that have been displayed by churches in the United States since 2017. This is not a gun-free zone We say it again: we are not a gun free…
From comments published online and in media outlets upon the release of a TV commercial for the Italian company Amica Chips. The commercial depicts nuns eating potato chips in a…
Wherein the author spends a decade acquiring knowledge of country and/or western music, Elvis’s stillborn twin, Bidenomics in the wild, bathroom cruising, wax statuary, race relations, and the soul of the nation
From Second Chances: Shakespeare and Freud, a book co-written with Stephen Greenblatt, which will be published next month by Yale University Press. The idea of the second chance is one…
From emails sent to Alabama state representative Jeremy Gray regarding a bill to legalize the practice of yoga in K–12 schools, which was banned in 1993. I have only done…
From an account of John 8:3–11 in a law-and-ethics textbook published by the Chinese Communist Party. In the Gospel, a group of Pharisees have gathered to stone a woman accused…
From Angels & Saints, which was published last month by New Directions. Surprisingly little was originally known about the angels. They are mentioned fewer than two hundred times in the…
From a verbal report given by Harold Howard to Kurt Castaldo, a deputy in the sheriff’s office in Palm Beach County, Florida, in December 2015. Howard alleged that Yousef Muslet…