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An Idiom Abroad

From a series of lists compiled in Euphemisms That Get on My You-Know-Whats, which was published in November by Andrews McMeel Publishing. raining cats and dogs Raining old ladies and…

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Flight Log

From the cockpit transcript of a Navy training flight near Seattle, in 2017. The exchange was released in May, following an investigation. Excerpts from the transcript were first published by…

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Embarrassment of ‘Wiches

From a correction that was published by the Louisville Courier-Journal in July.

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Near-Death and Taxes

From reasons submitted to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, the United Kingdom’s tax-collection agency, for missing or tardy returns.

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Theme & Violations

By Éric Chevillard, from Music & Literature No. 8. Chevillard is the author of numerous novels, including Prehistoric Times, which appeared in English in 2012. Translated from the French by…

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Ex Post

The life of a woman of letters

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Mad Maxims

From a list of aphorisms generated by randomly recombining the tweets of Deepak Chopra, and used in a study on “the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bullshit” by Gordon Pennycook,…

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A Goose in a Dress

In which our intrepid restaurant critic submits to the dreams and excesses of New York’s most fashionable eateries

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Notion Picture Industry

By Patton Oswalt, from Silver Screen Fiend, to be published next month by Scribner. In memory of Sherman Torgan, an L.A. theater owner, Oswalt imagined “a month’s worth of titles…

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December 2014

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