When Marnie Was There (2014), an animated feature by the Japanese director Hiromasa Yonebayashi, tells the story of a twelve-year-old girl who befriends the ghost of her grandmother, Marnie, at the…
Early on in the movie adaptation of Uzodinma Iweala’s 2005 novel, Beasts of No Nation, Agu, the preteen protagonist, and his unnamed older brother have just pulled off an impish…
At the climax of Inglourious Basterds, Quentin Tarantino’s 2009 homage to World War II genre movies, a German war hero who’s attending the premiere of a Nazi propaganda film based…
When inviting a bear from darkest Peru into your terraced London house, the first thing to do is increase the coverage on your homeowners’ insurance policy. “Yes, a bear .…
From a list of edits made by the Central Board of Film Certification, a statutory censorship body tasked with regulating publicly screened films in India, taken from the CBFC’s website.…