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Tell It Scant

From a previously unpublished letter in The Letters of Emily Dickinson, which is out next month from Harvard University Press. to unknown, late january 1878 Dear friend. We recollect you,…

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The Love Feast

Seeing Auden in a new light

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The Beast in Me

From South American Journals, a collection of Ginsberg’s spiritual writing published last month by the University of Minnesota Press. This entry is the author’s account of an ayahuasca experience in…

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An Off Pursuit

From a draft of a letter written in 1940 by Joan Murray (1917–42) to W. H. Auden (1907–73). The letter is included in Drafts, Fragments, and Poems, a collection of…

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American Expansion

The innovations of A.R. Ammons

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Filial Poetry

From an interview conducted by Stephen Braitman with Allen Ginsberg and his father, Louis Ginsberg, in 1974. The interview is included in First Thought, a collection of conversations with Allen…

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The Drums of Marrakesh

A Jamaican-born poet chain-smokes as he listens to a circle of drummers in the old market of Marrakesh, circa 2015. The drums sound in the present, but they also sound…

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Same Mistakes

Ted Hughes’s evasions

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The Body Politic

The battle over Pablo Neruda’s corpse.

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