They make a wilderness, and they call it peace. —Tacitus, Agricola Liberal internationalism died in the ruins of Gaza and Beirut. Donald Trump’s return to office has only put a…
From their introduction to Raritan on War, an anthology of writing from the journal Raritan, which will be published next month by Rutgers University Press. War challenges the limits of…
Adapted from “The Diplomatic Path to a Secure Ukraine,” a paper that was published in February by the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. More than two years into Russia’s invasion,…
From “Four Tales,” which was published in the Fall 2023 issue of The Massachusetts Review. Everyone knows that to be a self-respecting Eastern European émigré writer, you must learn to…
From promotional materials for Atomik Vodka. The Chernobyl Spirit Company is a social enterprise aiming to produce high-quality artisan spirits (“moonshine”) from land in the areas of Ukraine abandoned after…
From Chronicle of a Hunger Striker, which is forthcoming from Deep Vellum. Sentsov was arrested in 2014 for protesting the Russian annexation of his native Crimea, and spent five years…