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Around the world with the Goya of conflict photography

There were no civilian cars on the streets of Mosul, Iraq, last December, when the veteran war photographer Don McCullin and I hitched a ride in an Iraqi Army pickup. A few children smiled and flashed V signs at us, but the adults’ stares betrayed hostility or, at best, caution. If Islamic State fighters returned, anyone seen consorting with the army would be punished.

The soldiers took us to an abandoned house in Hay Tahrir (“Liberation Quarter”), a working-class neighborhood in the northeast. Islamic State fighters had only recently been expelled from the area. A blanket was tacked up…

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was the chief Middle East correspondent for ABC News from 1983 to 1993. His latest book, Syria Burning, was reissued in 2016 by Verso.


is a photographer based in Somerset, England. His three-volume monograph Irreconcilable Truths was published last year by Provocateur Press.

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