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October 2017 Issue [Forum]

Rensselaer County, New York

The latest issue that has come before our village board is whether to add an animal-control regulation to the village laws. A member of the public has come to one of our monthly meetings, handed each of the board members a letter describing his problem, and at the same time explained it to us.

His next-door neighbors’ dog habitually crosses the property line into his yard, barking, threatening him, chasing his chickens, if they are out, and frightening his grandchildren, if they are visiting. He does not feel free to enjoy his yard but must go out armed with…

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’s translation of Proust’s Letters to His Neighbor appeared this year from New Directions. She is currently assembling her first collection of essays.

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October 2017

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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