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August 2022 Issue [Letter from Washington]

The Fight to Choose

The politics of abortion after Roe v. Wade
“Savita Halappanavar,” by Laia Abril, from On Abortion, which was published by Dewi Lewis, and is the first part of her project A History of Misogyny © The artist

“Savita Halappanavar,” by Laia Abril, from On Abortion, which was published by Dewi Lewis, and is the first part of her project A History of Misogyny © The artist

[Letter from Washington]

The Fight to Choose

The politics of abortion after Roe v. Wade

Until the late twentieth century, Ireland was effectively a social theocracy. The Catholic Church imposed rigid controls on many aspects of life, particularly women’s sex lives, going so far as confiscating the babies of unwed mothers and selling them for adoption abroad. Abortion was banned. In 1983, a two-thirds majority voted to enshrine the ban in the country’s constitution, in the form of an amendment declaring “the right to life of the unborn . . . equal [to the] right to life of the mother.” Decades of acrimonious debate followed, while every year thousands of Irish women made the journey to Britain,…

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 is the Washington editor of Harper’s Magazine. His most recent book is The Spoils of War.

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August 2022

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