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July 2023 Issue [Revision]

Behind the Veil of Indifference

Lessons from a nuclear life
Collage by Mike McQuade. Photograph of Jackson Lears courtesy the author. Other source images © Galerie Bilderwelt/ Getty Images; MPI/Stringer/Getty Images; FPG/Getty Images

Collage by Mike McQuade. Photograph of Jackson Lears courtesy the author. Other source images © Galerie Bilderwelt/ Getty Images; MPI/Stringer/Getty Images; FPG/Getty Images


Behind the Veil of Indifference

Lessons from a nuclear life

The war in Ukraine has resurrected the ultimate technocratic fantasy: a winnable nuclear war. Intellectuals at the Hoover Institution are urging American strategists to “think nuclearly again,” reestablishing the idea that nuclear weapons are tools to assert U.S. primacy over Russia and China. This isn’t just talk. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists recently noted “steadily increasing U.S. bomber operations in Europe”—some near the Russian border. Though most Americans are unaware of it, escalation toward nuclear conflict is already under way.

In this strange atmosphere, I feel moved to revisit my own experience as a naval officer on a nuclear-armed ship…

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June 2023

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