Five hundred family members of leprosy patients sue Japan; Rebecca Solnit explores how leprosy teaches empathy
Three people win the largest Powerball jackpot in U.S. history; Nathaniel Rich profiles a woman who won millions in the Texas lottery on four separate occasions.
Ammon Bundy takes over a wildlife refuge in Oregon; Christopher Ketcham traces the history of the Bureau of Land Management
Donald Trump calls for a ban on Muslims entering the United States; Dorothy Thompson wonders who is most susceptible to Nazism.
Barack Obama meets with the nations most threatened by climate change; Tuvalu plans for the future of its sinking islands
The Islamic State's influence grows; James Harkin interviews its fighters, enemies, and potential recruits
Republican presidential candidate John Kasich surveys his competition; Lewis H. Lapham analyzes the 2016 election so far.
A U.S. intelligence-community employee leaks secret drone-strike documents; Daniel Swift discusses the history of bombing
Thailand's king is in declining health; Ian Buruma examines why the country so often finds itself under military rule
“Today, the idea of maintaining genuine American prosperity without a vibrant manufacturing sector stands exposed as a fairy tale.”