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Weekly Review

December 10, 2019

A 71-year-old Japanese man was arrested after placing 24,000 customer complaint calls with his cell-phone service provider because he could not get his phone to play radio broadcasts. Read More

December 3, 2019

President Donald Trump signed a bipartisan measure that, for the first time, makes certain acts of animal cruelty, such as animal crushing, a federal crime. Read More

November 26, 2019

Police officers in Rome were investigated on allegations of accepting bribes in the form of pasta and gelato. Read More

November 19, 2019

An event for the book Triggered: How The Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us ended after 20 minutes when the “groyper army,” neo-Nazi supporters who are fans of the president, heckled author Donald Trump Jr. and his girlfriend off of the stage. Read More

November 12, 2019

Vladimir Putin announced his intention to replace Wikipedia with a digital version of the Great Russian Encyclopedia to ensure the dissemination of “reliable information.” Read More

November 5, 2019

Alaska representative Don Young headbutted a camera in response to a reporter’s question about election meddling. Read More

October 29, 2019

An inventor in Australia denied preying on desperate farmers who would pay as much as $50,000 for him to deliver 100 millimeters of rain; he claims his service, whose methods he won’t reveal lest they be stolen by competitors, includes a bridge in the space-time continuum and the application of small, strategic amounts of energy to guide the butterfly effect. Read More

October 22, 2019

In Oklahoma, a man who had pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine with the intention to distribute had his 15-year sentence dismissed after it was discovered that the white powder he was carrying when he was arrested was powdered milk. Read More

October 16, 2019

In Billings, Montana, a team of sled dogs escaped from a training session and led police on a low-speed chase. Read More

October 8, 2019

The town of Garfield, New Jersey, was plagued by feral cats. Read More

October 1, 2019

A German court ruled that hangovers are a disease. Read More

September 24, 2019

A doctor filed a lawsuit against former Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown, who repeatedly farted in the doctor’s face and laughed about it, for $11,500 in unpaid fees. Read More

September 17, 2019

A study that compared the temperatures of French postal carriers’ left and right testicles won an Ig Noble Prize, annual awards honoring research that “first makes people laugh, and then makes them think.” Read More

September 10, 2019

Republican congressman Steve King drank toilet water at a migrant detention facility near the Mexican border to demonstrate its safety. “Actually pretty good!” the congressman remarked. Read More

September 4, 2019

One hundred and twenty coffins were discovered beneath a housing complex in Tampa, Florida. Read More

August 27, 2019

In Connecticut, five men and one woman between the ages of 62 and 85 were charged with breach of peace and public indecency after they were caught having sex inside the Grace Richardson conservation area. Read More

August 20, 2019

A federal judge in North Carolina ruled in favor of personal-injury lawyer George Sink Sr., who had sued his son, George Sink Jr., for using his own name at his competing law firm. Read More

August 13, 2019

The world champion of short-track speed skating was banned from the sport for a year after pantsing a teammate. Read More

August 6, 2019

The National Academy of Sciences published a study that found CEOs and CFOs who use the extramarital-affair website Ashley Madison are more than twice as likely to engage in corporate misconduct. Read More

July 30, 2019

Boris Johnson was sworn in as prime minister; Donald Trump complained about Obama ruining the White House’s air-conditioning Read More

July 24, 2019

A police officer admitted that, while waiting at the London home of a family whose child had died, he had purchased four pornographic movies on their Virgin TV account. Read More

July 16, 2019

“What’s the point?” said Senator Tim Scott, who is paid at least $174,000 per year as an elected official, when asked whether he had read the Mueller report. Read More

July 10, 2019

An Asian-American couple who allegedly spent more than $100,000 on in vitro fertilization sued a fertility clinic after they gave birth to two children who are not Asian. Read More

July 2, 2019

New York announced that there are, officially, 2,373 squirrels in Central Park. Read More

June 25, 2019

Alabama passed a law allowing a Presbyterian megachurch to create its own police force. Read More

June 19, 2019

Boaty McBoatface, an autonomous underwater vehicle that was named in a 2016 internet poll, discovered that stronger Antarctic winds, the result of a growing hole in the ozone layer, have been causing more ocean turbulence, which in turn has raised sea levels and temperatures. Read More

June 11, 2019

New York City seized 46 ice cream trucks in a sting called “Operation Meltdown.” Read More

June 4, 2019

An event at a gas station in Edmonton to celebrate the repeal of Alberta’s consumer carbon tax was canceled in response to heavy smoke from uncontained wildfires elsewhere in the province. Read More

May 29, 2019

A study predicted that the average size of animals will shrink 25 percent in the next century. Read More

May 21, 2019

Uber added a “quiet mode” feature that allows passengers to choose from options such as “quiet preferred,” “happy to chat,” or “no preference.” Read More

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