From Earthly Materials, which will be published this month by Mariner Books. Assuming 128 grams a day and a lifetime in the vicinity of seventy-five years, you’ll leave behind around…
From Issue 11 of Deadlines and Divine Distractions, which was published in December. Dearest (If I may): Do (and here I’m charitably speculating that my previous letters have for some…
From interviews given to a researcher by six Ukrainian women in May and June of last year and provided to Harper’s Magazine. The researcher’s identity has been withheld to protect…
From “Notes on Baudelaire’s Parisian Tableaux,” which was published for the first time in English in the Fall 2024 issue of October. Translated from the French by Michael Krimper. Baudelaire…
From The Rose, which will be published this month by Graywolf Press. Me & Amanda went to see David Blaine the night of the Scorpio Eclipse. He held his breath…
From Silkworm’s Pansori, which was published last month by The Song Cave. Persimmons on a leafless tree: unlaid eggs in a butchered hen. The old woman picks from the sagging…
From Sister Europe, which was published last month by Knopf. Demian was among the first guests to arrive, taking a taxi. He had intended to get through the evening by…
From Silent Catastrophes, which was published last month by Random House. Translated from the German by Jo Catling. Few have reflected as thoroughly as Elias Canetti upon the fateful processes…
From Pathemata, Or, The Story of My Mouth, by Maggie Nelson, which will be published this month by Wave Books. In speech therapy we played a board game in which…
From the introduction to a reissue of Martin Amis’s novel London Fields, which was published in November by Vintage, in Britain. The curse of Englishness is something whose magnitude we…
From reports of dreams collected in The Third Reich of Dreams, by Charlotte Beradt, a new translation of which will be published next month by Princeton University Press. Beradt gathered…
From a lecture delivered last year by Kristian Vistrup Madsen at the University of Applied Arts, in Vienna. There’s nobody like Vermeer. Or is there? His modest known output of…
From “I Humbly Beg Your Speedy Answer”: Letters on Love and Marriage from the World’s First Personal Advice Column, edited by Mary Beth Norton, which will be published next month…
From Pause the Document, which will be published this month by Nightboat Books. It hailed golf balls back in June. Notebook got nicked, got soaked. What month is it. She…
From Things That Disappear, which will be published in the fall by New Directions. Translated from the German by Kurt Beals. The great advantage of an outhouse is that you…
From The Dream Hotel, which will be published this month by Pantheon. Morning light silvers the glass-brick windows of the Safe-X library. A sign taped to the wall above the…
From Gaza: The Poem Said Its Piece, which will be published next month by City Lights. Translated from the Arabic by Ammiel Alcalay, Emna Zghal, and Khaled al-Hilli. The gifts…
From “I Was So Hopeful for You,” collected in the anthology What My Father and I Don’t Talk About, which will be published in May by Simon & Schuster. Before…
From messages that have been displayed by churches in the United States since 2017. This is not a gun-free zone We say it again: we are not a gun free…
From Gliff, which will be published this month by Pantheon. How do you say hello to a horse? I said. I’ll show you, my sister said. We were standing in…
From I’m Always Looking Up and You’re Jumping, which will be published next year by Random House. At the end of my young boy’s gold rope there was a…
From a recent advertisement reportedly made by the U.S. Central Command that appeared on the dating app Tinder in Lebanon. The full advertisement reads: “Do not take up arms against the…
From Dust and Light: On the Art of Fact and Fiction, which will be published next month by W. W. Norton and Company. Waste seemed like all I knew when I was…
From “Dream Geographies,” an essay about the writing of her novel Praiseworthy that was published in September in the literary journal HEAT. The notebooks show their age through their use…
From 9-1-1 calls made in September by Patricia Upton, a resident of Kitsap County, Washington. operator: 9-1-1, what are you reporting? patricia upton: Yes, I need a officer to come…
From comments that the British public submitted to the National Health Service in response to a call for suggestions on ways to improve its care. Tax the rich. Establish drop-in…
From scientific findings awarded Ig Nobel Prizes since 2014. Fake medicine that causes painful side effects can be more effective than fake medicine that does not cause painful side effects.…
From a reading delivered in November in Richmond, Virginia. We began to figure it out on day eleven or twelve of the seven-day trip, the slate and obsidian waves rolling…