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Hard Bargain

On the ground during the unionization effort in Bessemer, Alabama

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Sweet Om Alabama

From emails sent to Alabama state representative Jeremy Gray regarding a bill to legalize the practice of yoga in K–12 schools, which was banned in 1993. I have only done…

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As Goes the South, So Goes the Nation

History haunts, but Alabama changes

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Family History

By Zora Neale Hurston, from Barracoon, a previously unpublished ethnography based on interviews that she conducted with eighty-six-year-old Cudjo Lewis in Alabama in 1927 and 1928. Lewis was then the…

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Gruel and Unusual

From complaints filed since 2015 by inmates at the Morgan County jail, in Alabama. The complaints were included in a lawsuit filed last year against Ana Franklin, the county sheriff,…

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Empty Suits

Defamation law and the price of dissent

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Out With a Bang

From the website of Holy Smoke, a memorial-services company based in Alabama.

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Where Health Care Won’t Go

A tuberculosis crisis in the Black Belt

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Angle to Montgomery

Justin Barkley and I met as freshmen in college. He was the soft-spoken kid with an Alabama accent who lived down the hall. His roommates were all jocks of one…

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July 2014

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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