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Front Runner

Marine Le Pen’s campaign to make France great again

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The Separating Sickness

Five hundred family members of leprosy patients sue Japan; Rebecca Solnit explores how leprosy teaches empathy

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Something Big

The legend of the Watts Towers

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Mad Magazines

Underground comics come to Egypt

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New Books

Julia Ward Howe published her first book of poetry on December 23, 1853, when she was thirty-four years old. It must have made a rather nice Christmas present for her…

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The Odd Couple

From West of Eden: An American Place, an oral history of Hollywood and Los Angeles by Jean Stein, published this month by Random House. Stein is the author of Edie:…

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Left of Bernie

You say you want a revolution

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Revenge Tragedy

From The Life and the Adventures of a Haunted Convict, a memoir by Austin Reed, published this month by Random House. Likely completed in 1858, the manuscript was discovered at…

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The Charmer

Louis Farrakhan and the Black Lives Matter protests

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January 2016

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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