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The Great Wall of Steel

Xi Jinping remakes Chinese nationalism

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The Sound of Vibrance

From posts on DQN Today, a Japanese website that allows users to drop pins on neighborhood maps and note noise or other disturbances. Translated from the Japanese. Several families are…

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Freedom from Choice

By Pico Iyer, from A Beginner’s Guide to Japan, out this month from Knopf. Iyer, a British-­American essayist and novelist, has lived in Nara, Japan, since 1992. Japan is the…

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The Fruits of Suffering

From descriptions of dreams in The Grave on the Wall, a memoir by Brandon Shimoda, out this month from City Lights. The book is an elegy for the author’s grandfather…

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What China Threat?

How the United States and China can avoid war

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What Remains

By Richard Lloyd Parry, from Ghosts of the Tsunami, which was published this month by MCD. Parry is the Asia editor of the Times of London. On the afternoon of…

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Potty Training

From sentences in Unko Kanji Doriru (“Poo Kanji Drills”), a series of writing-exercise books for elementary school students in Japan. The books were written by Yusaku Furuya and published in…

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The Boy Without a Country

Tokyo’s painful exclusion of immigrants

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Inside the April Issue

Leslie Jamison on the Women's March, Alan Feuer on Bill de Blasio, Yascha Mounk on the refugee crisis in Germany, and Jessica Weisberg on Tokyo's exclusion of immigrants

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