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Progressivism (United States politics)

The Enemy Within

Why the Democrats don’t need Joe Manchin

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Shades of Blue

Late on election night, when the betting markets were just realizing that Trump’s path to victory had narrowed, and leading voices on the left were lamenting the failure of anything…

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Hard Times

Will America recover under Biden?

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Things to Come

On March 30, during one of the daily briefings on the COVID-19 outbreak that had so captured the hearts and minds of New Yorkers, Governor Andrew Cuomo uttered a sentence…

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Is Poverty Necessary?

Who generates value in the modern economy, and who should benefit?

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Is Poverty Necessary?

An idea that won’t go away

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Rebirth of a Nation

Can states’ rights save us from a second civil war?

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Nothing Left

The long, slow surrender of American liberals

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March 2014

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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