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In which our intrepid restaurant critic submits to the dreams and excesses of New York’s most fashionable eateries

Per Se (“Through Itself”) lives on the fourth floor of the Time Warner Center, a shopping mall at Columbus Circle, close to Central Park. It is by reputation — which is to say gushing reviews and accolades and gasps — the best restaurant in New York City. And so I, a British restaurant critic, commissioned to review the most extravagant dishes of the age, borne across the ocean on waves of hagiography, arrive at Through Itself expecting the Ten Commandments in cheese straws.

There are three doors to Through Itself; two are real, one is fake. The fake door is tall…

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is the restaurant critic for The Spectator.

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March 2017

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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