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April 2023

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Dune Bunnies, a painting by Melanie Daniel, whose work was on view last month at Mindy Solomon Gallery, in Miami.
Courtesy the artist and Mindy Solomon Gallery, Miami
A photograph of one of Saul Leiter’s Kodachromes projected on the wall, by Nicholas Krasznai. Leiter’s monograph The Unseen Saul Leiter was published last year by D.A.P.
© Nicholas Krasznai and the Saul Leiter Foundation
You People With Hearts, a mixed-media artwork (chicken feathers, fabric, jewelry, sheet music, and spray paint) by Lavar Munroe, whose work was on view last month at Monique Meloche Gallery, in Chicago.
Courtesy the artist and Monique Meloche Gallery, Chicago
“Major Alström’s wife with the owl” and an untitled photograph, by John Alinder, whose monograph John Alinder: Portraits 1910–32 was published last year by Dewi Lewis Publishing.
© The artist. Courtesy of Upplands Museum, Uppsala, Sweden, and Landskrona Foto, Sweden
Topaz Omega, a painting by Tim Sandow, whose work is on view this month at Kunsthalle Gevelsberg, in Germany. Sandow’s monograph Blind Date was published last year by Kerber Verlag.
Courtesy the artist, Galerie Droste, and private collection

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April 2023

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