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Aaron Rosenblum

By J. Rodolfo Wilcock, from The Temple of Iconoclasts, recently published by David R. Godine. Wilcock (1919–1978) was an Argentine poet, novelist, and translator who emigrated to Italy. Translated from…

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Admiral Nelson

By Jean Echenoz, from The Queen’s Caprice, a story collection forthcoming from the New Press. Echenoz is the author of several books, including, most recently, 1914. Translated from the French…

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Hammer Island

Over the Fourth of July holiday in 1985, when I was seventeen years old, the film producer Morris Walls took me to Hammer Island. This is an island shaped like…

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Forbidden City

On the morning of his visit to the Forbidden City, the last day of his China trip, James woke exhausted, as he had almost every day he had been there.…

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The Great Exception

By Rachel Kushner, from The Strange Case of Rachel K, out in February 2015 from New Directions. Kushner is the author of the novels Telex from Cuba and The Flamethrowers.

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“The thing you have to understand is that I really don’t understand people.” Gil sat on a squashy old sofa, legs akimbo, forearms on thighs. He was wearing a dark-green…

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Hitler in Chicago

By David Albahari, from Learning Cyrillic, a collection of short stories forthcoming from Dalkey Archive Press in December. Albahari is a Serbian novelist whose books include Words Are Something Else,…

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The House on Bony Lake

The lake is still and the stars are mammoth. She glides beneath the surface, a dark form he can follow but cannot see until she passes through starlight, this long-limbed…

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October 2014

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