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Measure for Measure

From Eileen, by Ottessa Moshfegh, out this month from Penguin Press. Moshfegh’s first novel, McGlue (Fence Books), was awarded the Fence Modern Prize in Prose in 2014.

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Leap Day

It was February and the rungs were cold as rods of ice. Beneath the suit he’d never had the occasion to get married in, Ernie Boettner was wearing his favorite…

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A Little Bottle of Tears

By Diane Williams, from FINE, FINE, FINE, FINE, FINE, a story collection out next year from McSweeney’s. Williams’s story “Living Deluxe” appeared in the June 2013 issue of Harper’s Magazine.

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Nice Insane

By Seth Price, from his novel Fuck Seth Price, out last month from Leopard Press. Price’s earlier novel, How to Disappear in America, was published in 2008.

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One Day Less

I doubt that death will come. Death? Could it be that the days, so long, will end? That’s how I daydream, calm, quiet. Could it be that death is a…

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Lip Service

By Wolfgang Hilbig, from “I”, published in 1993 by S. Fischer Verlag and due out for the first time in English in July from Seagull Books. Hilbig was born in…

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Making Amends

By John Edgar Wideman. Wideman is a contributing editor of Harper’s Magazine.

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Interesting Facts

Interesting fact: Toucan cereal bedspread to my plunge and deliver. It’s okay if you can’t make sense of that. I’ve tried and tried, but I can’t grasp it either. The…

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From the Palo Alto Sessions

By Joshua Cohen, from Book of Numbers, out next month from Random House. Cohen is a contributing editor of Harper’s Magazine. Toward the end D-Unit had been working on the…

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May 2015

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